Ant-Man (2015)

Ant-Man (2015)
RottenTomatoes: 79% | JohanSaysMovie: 4/5 

Starring: Paul Rudd, Michael Douglas, Evangeline Lily
Directed by: Peyton Reed
Genre: Action & Adventure, Drama, Comedy

One thing is clear, Marvel is at the forefront in presenting superhero films, especially with their big project called Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Marvel has so far never failed in giving us the entertainment mainstream hero in a movie theater screen, making anyone who had not fond of comics Marvel Iron Man then so idolized by the Guardian of the Galaxy. In addition, every Marvel movie also has the charm and uniqueness, not least Ant-Man being heist-moviedengan touch family drama. The story about Scott Lang (Paul Rudd), inmates 'repentance' which then must be the new Ant-Man with a mission to help Ant-Man before Hank Pym (Michael Douglas) to - EMH, let's say - to save the world. Ant-Man is not a film that really I like personally, but objectively Ant-Man is a pretty good introduction for the audience to recognize the history of Scott Lang to become human ants. Directed by Peyton Reed previously specialists comedy, also starring Paul Rudd that somehow the older the more handsome, Ant-Man is a superhero comedy pretty funny, do not forget to touch the family drama that no previous Marvel movies. Name Ant-Man indeed may sound unconvincing, less cool if compared to other kinds of superhero Captain America or Hulk, but Ant-Man is evidence that the philosophy of 'size does matter' may be true.